In today's blog we are going to be answering the most common questions that the law firm receives about divorce.
The explanations in this blog constitute the current law of the state of Florida. If you reside in another state, please contact an attorney licensed in your state for more information.
• Are divorce records public?
In the State of Florida divorce records are public. This includes all motions, petitions, responses, and orders and judgments. However, due to privacy and security concerns, data relating to bank account numbers, social security numbers, names, and dates of birth of minors, copies of tax returns, among other documents remain private.
• What documents of the divorce process must be notarized?
There are several documents in the divorce process that will require notarizations. Answers to interrogatories, financial statements, marriage agreements, parenting plans, petitions with verification, among others, require the authentication and signature of a notary to be presented in court.
• How does mediation work in a divorce process?
Divorce processes have procedural moments. Once the parties have exchanged the mandatory disclosures, and other evidence; the court could refer the parties to a mediator, with the aim that they reach an agreement regarding the issues that make up the divorce, such as distribution of the assets that make up the marital community of goods, custody and care of minors, pension between spouses or alimony, pension for minors or child support, among others. The objective of mediation is for the future ex-spouses to reach an agreement on what is the best regime for them, before there is intervention by the court.
• When is the final judgment of divorce?
If the future ex-spouses are unable to reach an agreement after the mediation process, and once all the evidence has been exchanged and all the corresponding procedural steps have been taken, the court may set a date for the final trial, where all the issues, raised in the divorce petition, will be resolved.
• When am I divorced?
A divorce is considered final when the court issues a final order of divorce, or decree of divorce. As long as the court does not issue this order, the spouses maintain the marriage bond.
• Where is the divorce petition filed?
The petition for divorce must be filed in the court of the county where both parties reside, and where they have resided for the last six months. In the event that the parties reside in different counties, the petition for divorce must be filed in the county where the defendant resides.
• Could a person be divorced if both parties do not agree?
To issue a final decree of divorce, in the State of Florida, it is only necessary that one of the parties wishes to dissolve the marriage bond. The divorce process will be carried out, as long as one of the spouses does not want to remain married.
I hope this blog has answered your most frequently asked questions about divorce. If you need help with your divorce process, do not hesitate to contact us. In Y. Morejon Attorney, P.A. we work family cases and we can help you with yours. The first consultation is free. We will evaluate your case for free and explain the best strategy to follow. In Y. Morejon Attorney, P.A. your problem is our problem.
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Any information made available by the lawyer or law firm is for educational purposes only, as well as to give you general information and general understanding of the law, NOT to provide specific advice. This does NOT create a relationship attorney-client between you and Y. Morejon Attorney, P.A. This information should NOT be use as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.